WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Revised wording Policy 1 – required LPI session 21 May 09 Policy 1 Development in the Cairngorms National Park – Suggested Changes to Wording and Order at LPI 21.05.09 RED COPY a) Development will be supported where the aims of the Park are collectively achieved in a co-ordinated way, [DELETED OR and where the objectives of designation and the overall integrity of the area are not compromised. ] b) [ DELETED C Where development appears to cause conflict between the first aim of the Park and other National Park aims, greater weight will be given to the first aim – to conserve and enhance the natural and cultural heritage of the area. ] c) [ DELETED B Development that would have any significant adverse effects on the special qualities of the Park will only ] be permitted if these are clearly outweighed by social or economic benefits of national importance and will be mitigated to the satisfaction of the planning authority by the enhancement of qualities or features of equal importance to the National Park. DELETED c) Where development appears to cause conflict between the first aim of the Park and other National Park aims, greater weight will be given to the first aim – to conserve and enhance the natural and cultural heritage of the area. d) Development that is likely to lead to an adverse effect on the Park’s special qualities, or that is likely to conflict with the second, third or fourth aims of the Park, [ DELETED 1 will only be permitted where it is considered that ] these would be clearly outweighed by the development's likely positive contribution to one or more of the other aims and the Park's special qualities, and where satisfactory measures [ DELETE 2 to minimise, mitigate or ] compensate the adverse effects on the special qualities are incorporated into [ DELETE 3 the development. ] e) Where the potential impacts of a proposal are uncertain, but where there is an evidence base [ DELETE to indicate ] that significant irreversible damage could occur either to the current environmental or social or economic situation, the precautionary principle shall be applied. Deleted 1 : or lead to adverse effects on the Park's special qualities Deleted 2 : are incorporated Deleted 3 : of Deleted: